Free Lenses for Healthcare Workers to Fight Coronavirus
With the current number of COVID-19 cases, reaching 1 million cases, the US has the highest number of cases worldwide. Being extremely worried and looking for the best way to protect yourselves is highly expected.
As the number of infections is still rising, more protective measures to prevent the spread of the virus are VITAL.
The coronavirus outbreak has taken tens of thousands of lives. The use of protective equipment is the best means of saving lives as of now. The person to person transmission of this virus from patients with COVID-19 has to be reduced and is a priority globally.
The respiratory droplets are the main way of the COVID-19 outbreak spread worldwide, as well as in the United States. Coughs or sneezes as the main way of respiratory droplets’ dispersion, using face masks as well as glasses is one of the steps to making sure the virus is not contracted.
CDC and WHO have been advising to use PPE equipment at all times, especially first responders, medical staff and all those in direct contact with people.
One of the measures to protect yourself from contracting COVID-19 is also staying home. With more countries imposing the physical distancing as a measure to reduce the curve, staying at home has become the defacto measure beside the PPE in stopping the virus spread.
We Salute all medical staff, first responders, volunteers, and brave workers helping across the world.

Us at Glasses Gallery are thankful for all the hard work put in by the brave health workers, first responders, and workers that are making sure we are staying healthy and able to get our basic needs, during these challenging times.
It is critical for all medical staff and workers that are dealing with possible a possibly infected person to take very good care of themselves, as much as the general population does.
The current pandemic is severely affecting everyone’s health. With public health seriously threatened by the spread of COVID-19, our thoughts and prayers are not just with our own families, but with the people on the frontline of this epidemiologic battle.
Glasses Gallery Free Lens Offer

We have been thinking for a bit what our company Glasses Gallery could do to offer support for the health care staff as it is important for protecting hospital staff.
The coronavirus support from the glasses gallery is offered as all businesses should do their best in helping as much as each business can.
We don’t want o stop just at helping the health care workers. Our company is offering coronavirus support for self-employed professionals, first responders, and all the people working in direct contact with customers.
Our support that we offer, is by giving free lenses to the above-mentioned heroes of this continuing battle against COVID-19.
As we are one of the few lens manufacturers still operational, we have understood the need to help and have made a special section on our website for free lenses.
Whether you need single vision or progressive lenses, all those who work as medical staff, first responders, self-employed and workers part of vital services dealing directly with people, have now the opportunity of purchasing glasses with free lenses.
Support from other businesses
Many other businesses are feeling the same need of support as Glasses Gallery and are doing their share in helping with different services, as much as they can.
With Hertz car rental service offering rent-free cars for healthcare workers to travel safely without risk of infection. Airbnb offering in certain parts of the world, free accommodation to health care workers.
Starbucks offering free coffee to first responders, medical staff in order to help them stay energized during the long and tiring hours of battling the spread and treatment of COVID-19.
More and more businesses are doing their part in helping in what needs to be done to protect people. Not all businesses would be able or equipped to start production of face masks or respiratory machines, but they cans till do their best in offering a form of aid in keeping the hard-working people that work as medical staff, first responders to stay healthy, alert and able to continue their vital work in keeping us all safe and helping within their power, with treating the sick.
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