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Introducing Glasses Gallery’s Personal Shopper

When you walk into an eyewear shop, the optician usually has a few recommendations to get you started; when you click into an eyewear site, the frames don’t tell you if they look good on you. In an online world, self-service is pretty much the norm. Or is it?

Today, Glasses Gallery takes self-service to full-service.

You will no longer have to sift through a daunting list of frames to find the right one; you will no longer have to guess which shape fits you best. We are here to get you started towards the right pair of glasses.

Click on any category of eyewear, and there will be a bar underneath the banner that reads “Send us a selfie and we will find you a frame”. Click on the words, and you can choose to how you want us to respond. You can request a phone call, chat with one of our representative (if available), or leave us a message and we will get back to you via email.

If you want to chat with us right now, simply click on the live chat button, and upload a selfie of yourself to get started. One of our representatives will study at your face shape, and let you know what type of glasses look best on you with frame suggestions. However, our live chat is not yet available at all hours, but we are working towards a 24/7 service so you have your answer even if in the middle of the night.

If you aren’t sure whether a frame looks good on you, we are here to answer your questions too! You can contact us with any of the aforementioned methods, and we will be your second opinion. There is no pressure to buy, and we are happy to walk you through our store to find the pair that fits you best.

If you want to know which type of frames suit your face shape the most, you can read all about it here.