Category Archive For "News"
Free Lenses for Healthcare Workers to Fight Coronavirus
With the current number of COVID-19 cases, reaching 1 million cases, the US has the highest number of cases worldwide. Being extremely worried and looking for the best way to protect yourselves is highly expected. As the number of infections is still rising, more protective measures to prevent the spread of the virus are VITAL. …
Retail store eyeglasses are expensive. Are they better than Glasses Gallery?
Corrective eyeglasses have been around for about 700 years, with the first pair being made in the 13’th century in Europe, Italy. Ever since the technology to make lenses and frames have advanced and made it possible to industrialize and it has become a more common method of vision correction. The current need, use of …
DB Eyewear by David Beckham
There’s a new brand in town The DB Eyewear by David Beckham is a new eyewear brand launched in January 2020 and as the name says, the first eyewear collection from David Beckham in partnership with Safilo, which us here at Glasses Gallery, happily welcome them. David Beckham, which is globally recognized for his style, …
Some Information About Corona Virus (Covid-19, nCov-2019) and SARS
Updated on 12th, March, 2020 Some Information About Corona Virus and SARS The still ongoing outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19, nCov-2019) has caused global concern. The virus originated from a seafood and meat market in Wuhan, Hubei Province China that sold live animals and recently killed ones, which is where the virus originated, in December, …